Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Public without A Pulse

From the Public Pulse section of the Omaha World Herald on Sunday.

Firing coaches who win games
In Tom We Trust
Quite a few people are happy over Tom Osborne’s firing of Nebraska baseball coach Mike Anderson, who had a winning record.
Some of these same people were probably mad as could be when then-Athletic Director Steve Pederson fired Husker football coach Frank Solich, who also had a winning record.
I find it kind of amusing to see two different reactions to the firings of these two coaches with winning records.
Rick Fetter, Council Bluffs
Would You Trust Him?
Well Rick it goes something like this. People like Tom and trust him.   People hate Steve and don't trust him.  It's has nothing to do with the coaches or their records, it has to do with leadership.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey Rick,

    Can you really compare the last three seasons under Mike Anderson to anything Frank did in his time as head coach? If Solich had finished last or second to last in the conference play for three straight years, no one would've had any issue with his firing. Sorry, but you are reaching here.
